Amandine Lambot

Conservation Biologist - Master degree in organism and ecology (biodiversity)
Project: Evaluation of the effects of habitat fragmentation on the ecological functions of primates, especially the black-lion tamarin (Leontopithecus chrysopygus) as part of species conservation
During my internship, I had the opportunity to participate to different aspects of the LaP project “The effect of fragmentation on primate ecological functions”.
1) I participated in the elaboration of different databases:
One database contained a census of medium and large-sized terrestrial mammals present in two study sites (Guarei and Santa Maria fragments) that I recorded by analyzing pictures and videos collected by camera trapping (species, number of individuals, time,…), especially to know which factors could have an influence on the behaviour and movement of the black-lion tamarin.
For the other database, I had to check different geo-coordinates on maps corresponding to some fragments referenced in the literature.
2) I also took part in the field data collection which aims to determine the movements and seed dispersal of the black-lion tamarin. I worked on two different sites:
In Guarei, we tried to find a group of tamarins using playback method and interviewing the local people. We also had to test the radio-collars and dataloggers to make them ready for use on the tamarins.
In Morro Do Diabo park (Santa Maria fragment), we follow a group of two tamarins equipped with radio-collars and we collected behavioural data and GPS localization with the scan sampling method (every five minutes, during their active day). I also collected diet data (identification of the fruits eaten, time and duration of the alimentation) and marked the trees visited for fruits or sleeping sites.
3) A parallel important extension project was also carried out in the region of Guarei to inform the local community about the presence of the tamarins, their ecology and conservation. I participated in the creation of informative poster and flyers.