Principal Investigator

Postdoctoral researchers

Lisieux Franco Fuzessy
Project: "The influence of primate functional groups on post-dispersal seed fate and conservation outcomes"
PhD students

Olivier Kaisin
Project: "Physiological and behavioural responses to habitat fragmentation by black lion tamarins in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest"

Anne-Sophie de Almeida e Silva
Project: "Effectiveness of the black-lion-tamarin Leontopithecus chrysopygus as seed disperser and the influence of fragmentation in post-dispersal processes"

Gabriela Cabral Rezende
Project: "Habitat use, movement patterns and energy expenditure of black lion tamarins (Leontopithecus chrysopygus) in response to landscape fragmentation"

Silvia Isabel Galván Guevara
Project: "Primate environmental and ecological equivalents among South-east Asia and the Neotropics: effects of anthropogenic disturbances"

Paola Andrea Ayala Burbano
Project: "Population genomics of the Black-lion-tamarin (Leontopithecus chrysopygus, Mikan 1823): a species threatened with extinction"
Master students

Mayara Mulato dos Santos
Project: "Modeling of movement and seed shadow of the black lion tamarin"

Felipe Soares Bufalo
Project: "Movement patters of the Black Lion Tamarins (Leontopithecus chrysopygus) in an Atlantic Forest Fragment of the Sao Paulo State. "

Raíssa Sepulvida Alves
Project: "Linking plant-soil feedback to the effect of frugivore treatment on seed germination"

Lucas Augusto Pereira
Project: "Landscape structure and primate functional diversity: an intercontinental comparison"
Undergrad students

Fernanda Rocha
Project: "Social and phytotherapeutical aspects of the use of exsudates by black lion tamarins (Leontopithecus chrysopygus)"

Geovana Zangarini
Project: "Dung beetle community and secondary dispersal of seeds primarily dispersed by the black lion tamarin (Leontopithecus chrysopygus) in a riparian forest"

Andressa Zapaterra Bassalobre
Project: "Spatial distribution and behaviour of the black-tufted marmoset (Callithrix penicillata) in a highly visited insular park of the Atlantic Forest"

Débora Tomiatti Giancola
Project: "Effect of habitat quality on sleeping site selection by black lion tamarins (Leontopithecus chrysopygus)"

Emerson Matias
Project: "Space use and seed dispersal by exotic marmosets in a riparian forest"
Technical assistants

Rodrigo Gonçalves Amaral