Vagas abertas no LaP: TT3, Mestrado e Pós-Doutorado
Assistente de campo e laboratório - BOLSA FAPESP TT3 (Treinamento Técnico Nível 3) Descrição: - Ajuda na logística geral de campo e de...

The LaP team at the Brazilian Congress of Mammalogy
In September 2019, the LaP went to the Brazilian congress of mammalogy in Águas de Lindóia (SP) and presented oral communications and...

The LaP team at the Brazilian Congress of Primatology in Teresópolis
The LaP Team was present at the Brazilian Congress of Primatology that occurred in November 2019 in Teresópolis and presented more than...

A LaP paper won the Ashton Prize
The paper from Ana Paula Lugon´s master thesis received the Peter Ashton Prize! This award is delivered to the best student paper...

The LaP at the Congress of the International Primatological Society - Chicago
From 21st to 27th of August 2016, the LaP was present in Chicago at the IPS congress and present two posters and one talk. #seeds...

The LaP at ATBC congress (Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation)
On the 21 st of June 2016, the symposium “Primates on the move: from local to landscape scale” organized by Dr Marie-Claude Huynen...

A new paper from the LaP team, in collaboration with the LaBic team
Congratulations to Felipe Bufalo for his excellent work published in International Journal of Primatology this month: " Seed Dispersal by...

Defense of Master Thesis
Congratulations to Vanessa Ellen Wendt Campos who defended her Master thesis entitled "The effect of fragmentation on specific and...

E-mail me with CV and letter of interest: lculot@rc.unesp.br #opportunities

Les muriquis et les tapirs, indispensables à la survie de la Mata Atlântica du Brésil.
A short article about Ana Paula Lugon’, Marion Boutefeu’ and Emilie Bovy’ s research on post-dispersal fate of seeds dispersed by...