Concluded Research
PhD students

Bernardo Brandão Niebuhr dos Santos
Project: "The interplay of movement and landscape on population dynamics and species interactions of primates and plants"
Master students

Leonardo Henrique da Silva
Project: "Sleeping site selection by black lion tamarins: a comparison between continuous forest and fragment"

Francini de Oliveira Garcia
Project: "Wildlife canopy crossing: an experiment for the black lion-tamarin"

Paula Custódio Bertoli
Project: "Physiological and behavioral analyses of captive black lion-tamarins (Leontopithecus chrysopygus): an evaluation of stress level"

Bruna Lopes Pinto
Project: "Effect of local and landscape characteristics on the occupancy of the black lion-tamarin"

Vanessa Vanessa Ellen Wendt Campos
Project: "Fragmentation effect in specific and functional diversity of primates in Brazil"

Ana Paula Lugon
Project: "Comparison of seed predation and the effect of secondary dispersal on the seed dispersal effectiveness of the last two megafrugivores of the Atlantic Forest, the muriqui (Brachyteles arachnoides) and the tapir (Tapirus terrestris)"

Yness Messaoudi
Project: "Analysis of the spatial movement of the black-lion tamarin (Leontopithecus chrysopygus) in a forest fragment: determination of the social and ecological factors influencing the use of home range"
Undergrad students

Nicolas Gaberz de Almeida Treichl
Project: "Effect of forest patch size and hunting on primate functional diversity"

Giovana Cristina Magro de Souza
Project: "Secondary dispersal by dung beetles of seeds defecated by black lion tamarin (Leontopithecus chrysopygus)"

Camila Genaro Estevam
Project: "Landscape analysis of main areas of occurrence of the black lion tamarin (Leontopithecus chrysopygus)"

Felipe Soares Bufalo
Project: "Seed dispersal by primates and implications for the conservation of a biodiversity hotspot"

Lucas Augusto Pereira
Project: "The effects of habitat fragmentation on functional and specific diversity of primates in Atlantic Forest"

Raquel Gasparini Martins
Project: "Behavioral thermoregulation of lion tamarins in captivity "

André Henrique Zambolli
Project: "The use of audiorecorders for the detection of a rare and threatened species of primate from the Atlantic Forest, the black-lion tamarin, Leontopithecus chrysopygus"

Mayara Mulato dos Santos
Project: "Matrix use by the black lion tamarin, Leontopithecus chrysopygus, in the municipality of Guarei, Sao Paulo"

Mariana Giuliatti Winter
Project: "Behavioral ad ecological aspects of the black lion-tamarin (Callitrichidae: Leontopithecus chrysopygus): a literature review"

Mirela Alcolea
Project: "Seed dispersal by the black lion-tamarin, Leontopithecus chrysopygus (Primates, Callitrichidae), in a fragment of Atlantic Forest"

Giuliana Garcia
Project: "Seed dispersal distances of a Rain Forest plant species: a comparison between primates and birds"

Thabata Rodrigues de Carvalho
Project: "Effect of defaunation on the spatial genetic structure of a tree species of the Atlantic Forest"

Amandine Lambot
Project: "Evaluation of the effects of habitat fragmentation on the ecological functions of primates, especially the black-lion tamarin (Leontopithecus chrysopygus) as part of species conservation"
Technical assistants