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Please see the ResearchGate website for a complete list of publications


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Papers until 2019


Ascensão, F ; Nieburh, BBS ; Morais, AM ; Brenda, R A ; Assis, JC ; Eigenheer, M A A ; Ribeiro, JW ; de Morais-Jr, MM ; Martins, A. F. ; Oliveira, A. ; Moraes, E. ; Ramos, J. H. ; Lorini, M. L. ; Ferraz, L. P. ; Culot, L. ; Dietz, J. M. ; Ruiz-Miranda, C. R. ; Ribeiro, M. C. 2019. End of the line for the golden lion tamarin? A single road threatens 30 years of conservation efforts. Conservation Science and Practice, v. 1, p. e89.


Heymann, E. W. ; Culot, L. ; Knogge, C. ; Smith, A. ; Tirado Herrera, E R ; Stojan-Dolar, M. ; Ferrer, Y. L. ; Kubish P. ; Kupsh, D. ; Slana, D. ; Koopmann, M. L. ; Ziegenhagen, B. ; Bialozyt, R. ; Mengel, C. ; Hambuckers, J. ; Heer, K. 2019. Small Neotropical primates promote the natural regeneration of anthropogenically disturbed areas. Scientific Reports, v. 9, p. 10356.


Moraes, A. M. ; Vancine, M. H. ; Moraes, A. M. ; De Oliveira Cordeiro, C. L.; Pinto, M. P. ; Lima, A. A. ; Culot, L. ; Silva, T. S. F. ; Collevatti, R. G. ; Ribeiro, M. C. ; Sobral-Souza, T. 2019. Predicting the potential hybridization zones between native and invasive marmosets within Neotropical biodiversity hotspots. Global Ecology and Conservation, v. 20, p. e00706.


Marjakangas, E ; Abrego, N ; Grotan, V; Lima, R. A. F. ; Bello, C. ; Bovendorp, R. S. ; Culot, L ; Hasui, É ; Lima, F ; Muylaert, R. L. ; Niebuhr, B. B. ; Oliveira, A. A. ; Pereira, L. A. ; Prado, P. I. ; Stevens, R. D. ; Vancine, M. H. ; Ribeiro, M. C. ; Galetti, Mauro ; Ovaskainen, O. 2019. Fragmented tropical forests lose mutualistic plant-animal interactions. Diversity and Distributions, v. 26, p. 154-168.


Culot, L.; Pereira, L. et al. 2019. ATLANTIC-PRIMATES: A dataset of communities and occurrences of primates in the Atlantic Forests of South America. Ecology, v. 100, e02525


Bertoli, P. ; Culot, L. ; Palme, R. ; Mendonça-Furtado, O. 2019. Measuring fecal glucocorticoid metabolites of an endangered neotropical primate: technical details of a physiological validation. Boletim da Sociedade Brasileira de Mastozoologia, v. 80, p. 1-6.


Culot, L.; Huynen, M.-C. ; Heymann, E.W. 2018. Primates and Dung Beetles: Two Dispersers Are Better than One in Secondary Forest. International Journal of Primatology, v. 39, p. 397-414.


Razafindratsima, O.H. ; Sato, H. ; Tsuji, Y. ; Culot, L. 2018. Advances and Frontiers in Primate Seed Dispersal. International Journal of Primatology, v. 39, p. 315-320.


Rodrigues-Carvalho, T. ; Garcia, G. ; Carvalho, C.S. ; Palma-Silva, C. ; Culot, L . 2017. Development of microsatellite loci for Cryptocarya mandioccana (Lauraceae) and their genotyping success in different tissues. Hoehnea, v. 44, p. 580-587.


Culot, L.; Bello, C.; Batista, J. L. F.; do Couto, H. T. Z.; Galetti, M. 2017. Synergistic effects of seed disperser and predator loss on recruitment success and long-term consequences for carbon stocks in tropical rainforests. Scientific Reports, v.7: 7662 | DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-08222-4.


Bello, C.; Galetti, M.; Montan, D.; Pizo, M. A.; Mariguela, T.; Culot, L.; Bufalo, F.; Labecca, F.; Pedrosa, F.; Constantini, R.; Emer, C.; Silva, W. R.; da Silva, F. R.; Ovaskainen, O.; Jordano, P. 2017. ATLANTIC-FRUGIVORY: A plant-frugivore interaction dataset for the Atlantic Forest. Ecology, v.98, p.1729.


Lugon, A. P.; Boutefeu, M.; Bovy, E.; Vaz-de-Mello, F. Z.; Huynen, M. C.; Galetti, M.; Culot, L. 2017. Persistence of the effect of frugivore identity on post-dispersal seed fate: consequences for the assessment of functional redundancy. Biotropica, v.49, p.293-302. Best student paper published in Biotropica in 2017 (Peter Ashton Prize)


Heymann, E. W.; Culot, L.; Knogge, C.; Tirado Herrera, E. R.; Noriega Piña, T. E.; Klapproth, M.; Zinner, D. 2017. Long-term consistency of spatial patterns of primate seed dispersal. Ecology and Evolution, v.7, p.1435-1441.


Bufalo, F. S.; Galetti, M.; Culot, L. 2016. Seed dispersal by primates and implications for the conservation of a biodiversity hotpsot, the Atlantic Forest of South America. International Journal of Primatology, v.37, p.333-349.


Culot, L.; Griese, J.; Knogge, C.; Tonini, M.; Santos, M. M.; Estevam, C. G.; Lopes, B. P.; da Cunha, B. M.; Silva, A. S.; Prado, B. H. S.; Garcia, F. O.; Fonseca, R. C. B.; Port Carvalho, M. 2015. New  records,  reconfirmed sites and  proposals  for the  conservation of Black Lion Tamarin (Leontopithecus chrysopygus) in the Middle and Upper Paranapanema. Neotropical Primates, v22, p.32 - 39.


Culot, L.; Huynen, M. C.; Heymann, E. W. 2015. Partitioning the relative contribution of one-phase and two-phase seed dispersal when evaluating seed dispersal effectiveness. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, v6, p178-186. 


Culot, L.; Bovy, E.; Vaz-de-Mello, F. Z.; Guevara, R.; Galetti, M. 2013. Selective defaunation affects dung beetle communities in continuous Atlantic rainforest. Biological Conservation, v.163, p.79 - 89.


Albert, A.; Hambuckers, A.; Culot, L.; Savini, T.; Huynen, M-C. 2013. Frugivory and Seed Dispersal by Northern Pigtailed Macaques (Macaca leonina), in Thailand. International Journal of Primatology, v.34, p.170 - 193.


Bueno R. S.; Guevara, R.; Ribeiro, M. C.; Culot, L.; Bufalo, F. S.; Galetti, M. 2013. Functional Redundancy and Complementarities of Seed Dispersal by the Last Neotropical Megafrugivores. Plos One, v.8, p.e56252.


Brocardo C. R.; Rodarte, R.; Bueno, R. S.; Culot L.; Galetti, M. 2012. Mamíferos não voadores do Parque Estadual Carlos Botelho, Continuum florestal do Paranapiacaba. Biota Neotropica, v.12, p.198 - 208.


Muñoz Lazo, F. J. J.; Culot, L.; Huynen, M-C.; Heymann, E. W. 2011.  Effect of Resting Patterns of Tamarins (Saguinus fuscicollis and Saguinus mystax) on the Spatial Distribution of Seeds and Seedling Recruitment. International Journal of Primatology, v.32, p.223 - 237.


Culot, L.; Lledo-Ferrer, Y.; Hoelscher, O.; Muñoz Lazo, F. J. J.; Huynen, M. C.; Heymann, E. W. 2011 Reproductive failure, possible maternal infanticide, and cannibalism in wild moustached tamarins, Saguinus mystax. Primates, v.52, p.179 - 186.


Culot, L.; Mann, D. J.; Muñoz Lazo, F. J. J.; Huynen, M-C.; Heymann, E. W. 2011. Tamarins and Dung Beetles: An Efficient Diplochorous Dispersal System in the Peruvian Amazonia. Biotropica,  v.43, p.84 - 92.


Culot, L.; Muñoz Lazo, F. J. J.; Huynen, M-C; Poncin, P.; Heymann, E. W. 2010.  Seasonal Variation in Seed Dispersal by Tamarins Alters Seed Rain in a Secondary Rain Forest. International Journal of Primatology, v.31, p.553 - 569.


Culot, L.; Huynen, M-C., Gérard, P.; Heymann, E. W. 2009. Short-term post-dispersal fate of seeds defecated by two small primate species (Saguinus mystax and Saguinus fuscicollis) in the Amazonian forest of Peru. Journal of Tropical Ecology, v.25, p.229 – 238.





Culot, L. 2011. Ecologie alimentaire du Babouin de Guinée: une étude réalisée au sein du Parc National du Haut Niger, en République de Guinée. Sarrebruck: Editions Universitaires Européennes, 148p.

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