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Bruno Mantovani da Cunha

I have my degree in Technical Biochemistry at the State Technical School Counselor Antonio Prado ETECAP (2007) and in Biological Sciences from the Catholic University of Campinas (2012). Through my 4-year internship at the Foundation José Pedro de Oliveira ARIE Mata Santa Geneva, I realized several works within the areas of Mammalogy, Birdlife, Herpetology and Environmental Education and I was responsible for monitoring the scientific research. In UNICAMP's Museum of Zoology (2014), I worked with Taxonomic Herpetology but also worked as an environmental consultant for several companies in the state of São Paulo and other states of Brazil. In 2015, I joined the LAP where I am currently lab technician with a TT3 grant from FAPESP. My role in the LAP is to assist the researchers in the field, test the equipments, buy and organize the materials.






LaP – Laboratory of Primatology©

Biodiversity Department

Address: Av. 24-A, 1515, Bela Vista

Rio Claro, SP, Brazil.

CEP: 13506-900

Fone: +55-19-3526-4300

Developed by: Ligia Souza

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