Felipe Soares Bufalo

Project: Movement patterns of the Black Lion Tamarins (Leontopithecus chrysopygus) in an Atlantic Forest Fragment of the Sao Paulo State.
Abstract: Primates are known for their capacity to constantly deal with many environmental problems. In complex environments, changes on resource abundancy and distribution present significant challenges for the survival of individuals. Moreover, efficient foraging strategies are directly related to the capacity to store and continuously update both temporal and spatial information around resource distribution. The development of cognitive maps has been verified for some primate species, among which the 1) Coordinate based maps and 2) Rout-based spatial representations stand out. Directly related to resources distribution, animal movement is known to play a major role on ecosystem services, such as seed dispersal. Therefore, a better understanding about primate foraging patterns and habitat use allows a more precise comprehension around fundamental environmental factors, such as how primates shape plants’ spatial distribution. In this study, we aim to verify the use of cognitive maps by a group of Black Lion Tamarins in a Semideciduous Atlantic Forest fragment in São Paulo State, Brazil. Moreover, this study intents to understand the influences of seasonal fruit abundance on the foraging patterns and habitat use by the study group during the course of one year.
Contact: : febufalo@gmail.com