Francini de Oliveira Garcia

Project: Wildlife canopy crossing: an experiment for the black-lion tamarin
Advisor: Dr. Vlamir José Rocha. Co-advisor: Dr. Laurence Culot
Abstract: The Black Lion Tamarin, Leontopithecus chrysopygus, is endemic to the Atlantic Forest of the interior of the state of São Paulo, Brazil, and considered environmental heritage of the state of São Paulo. It is an endangered species principally due to the loss and fragmentation of its habitat and is classified as “Endangered” in state, national and global threatened species lists. The roads do not only increase habitat loss and fragmentation but also cause negative effects on wildlife such as roadkills or act as barriers. Wildlife crossing structures are used as a form of mitigation. The canopy bridges are specific crossing structures for semi-arboreal and arboreal species, such as the primates. The goals of this research project is to implement two canopy bridges with different designs on Domiciano de Souza Vicinal Highway, GRI 253, in the stretch of recurrent crossings of specimens of Black Lion Tamarins in Guareí-SP. Specifics goals: 1) to evaluate the effectiveness of wildlife crossing structures through monitoring - motion-triggered cameras, direct observation and participatory monitoring; 2) to determine whether the black Lion Tamarins have preferences for a specific design; 3) to elaborate a protocol of implementation of canopy bridges for callitrichids.