Giovana Magro de Souza

Project: Secondary dispersal by dung beetles of seeds defecated by black lion tamarin (Leontopithecus chrysopygus)
Abstract: The continuity of vegetal species happens through their seeds dispersal and their seedlings establishment. An animal order of great importance for the zoochory is the Primates once it represents 25 to 40% of frugivory biomass in the tropical forests. By their primary seed dispersal, the seeds can escape of the density-dependent mortality which occurs near the mother plant. Futhermore, can happen the secondary seed dispersal by dung beetles which allow the movement horizontally and vertically of the seeds to microhabitats, action that can benefit the germination and the seedlings establishment to be more protected of their predators. Thus, the aim of my work is to determine the probability of secondary seed dispersal, the burial depth by dung beetles and the factors that influence this process. The present study will be developed in the Parque Estadual Morro do Diabo and will include the following of a black lion tamarin group. Always there is a defecation, your GPS location will be noted, the defecation time, the amount of faecal matter and the number of seeds per feces. The vegetation characterization of the defecation place will be determined by the canopy cover and the undergrowth cover, percentage of bare ground and the height of the litter. To demonstrate the probability of secondary seed dispersal and the depth burial, the seeds will be marked with nylon thread tied to a piece of raffia. After 48 hours, we will check the fate of the seeds. Using generalized nonlinear models and model selection, we will determine which environmental factors and faecal characteristics influence burial probability and depth by dung beetles.