Lucas Augusto Pereira

Project: The effects of habitat fragmentation on functional and specific diversity of primates in Atlantic Forest
Abstract: The Atlantic Forest represents an extremely diverse biome, but strongly fragmented, with 11% of its original vegetation cover. Habitat fragmentation is a major threat to biodiversity, and taking into account the relevance of primates in the functioning of ecosystems, as these are effective seed dispersers and corresponding to 25-40% of the frugivores biomass in tropical forests, is considerable the importance of analyzing the effects of habitat fragmentation on the functional and specific diversity of primates. From a functional point of view will be listed characteristics related directly and indirectly to seed dispersal service. In addition, data from the landscape structure also will be collected along with data of abundance and presence/absence of species in selected areas. Subsequently, will be analyzed the relationship between the calculated indices of functional diversity and species richness for each area, moreover, will be tested the effects of habitat fragmentation on the functional diversity of primates in Atlantic Forest.