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Nicolas Gaberz de Almeida Treichl

Project: Effect of forest patch size and hunting on primate functional diversity


Abstract: Primates play an important role in maintaining the heterogeneity of forest habitats, mainly because of their highly frugivorous diet and their seed dispersal abilities. However, 60% of primate species are currently under extinction risk, primarily due to habitat loss. Thus, understanding how forest fragment size influences seed dispersal by primates is extremely important from the conservation point of view. Data of absence/presence of primate species and abundance in the Neotropics will be collected, and, according to the seed dispersal service they provide, functional traits will be listed to obtain seed dispersal functional diversity indices. We will test the relationship between fragment size and seed dispersal functional diversity of primates. In addition, to understand if and how hunting pressure would be affecting primate functional diversity, we will include primate-hunting data in the analysis.










LaP – Laboratory of Primatology©

Biodiversity Department

Address: Av. 24-A, 1515, Bela Vista

Rio Claro, SP, Brazil.

CEP: 13506-900

Fone: +55-19-3526-4300

Developed by: Ligia Souza

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