Paola Andrea Ayala Burbano

Project title: Population genomics of the Black-lion-tamarin (Leontopithecus chrysopygus, Mikan 1823): a species threatened with extinction.
Advisor: Dr Patricia Domingues de Freitas. Co-advisor: Dr. Laurence Culot.
Abstract: Priority actions for the conservation of the black tamarin have emphasized the importance of studies that increase knowledge about aspects related to genetic diversity, kinship degree and types of social system of family groups within fragments with different degrees of alteration. This knowledge is especially relevant to assist the monitoring and management of wild populations, but also captive ones, which need to renew their breeding stock, as well as being a source of potentially useful animals for reintroduction and translocation programs in nature. On this, the objective of this project to evaluate the distribution pattern of genetic diversity and social structure, and to investigate the existence of different genomic signatures in black-lion-tamarins groups, which include animals from forest fragments with different degrees and institutions that keep the species in captivity. For this purpose, SNP markers will be identified from genotyping by next generation sequencing in wild and captive animals. The analysis of the genomic data will be integrated to the survey of ecological, behavioral information and the studbook data available for the species. We hope that such data will be useful in helping to understand the social structure and kinship relationships of L. chrysopygus family groups and in the development of future species management programs.