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This first event aimed at meeting the population of Guareí at the local market to evaluate their knowledge about the species, distribute flyers about the species and presenting the species via a stand and a 1-hour program at the local radio. More specifically we:

  • Interviewed around 50 people in order to evaluate what they already knew about the species and its presence in Guarei and what would be their reaction if they see it

  • Distributed flyers with information about the species

  • Presented a stand of information about the species: posters and broadcasting of black lion-tamarin vocalization

  • Participated to a 1-hour program about the species on a local radio with the organization of a small game, information about the ongoing project in the region…

Funding: PROEX (Pró-Reitoria de Extensão Universitária)

Collaborators: Secretaria do Meio Ambiente de Guareí, Itapoty, Estação Ecológica de Angatuba


LaP – Laboratory of Primatology©

Biodiversity Department

Address: Av. 24-A, 1515, Bela Vista

Rio Claro, SP, Brazil.

CEP: 13506-900

Fone: +55-19-3526-4300

Developed by: Ligia Souza

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