On the 21 st of June 2016, the symposium “Primates on the move: from local to landscape scale” organized by Dr Marie-Claude Huynen (University of Liège, Belgium) and Dr Laurence Culot (Sao Paula State University – LaP), took place in Montpellier (France) and received the contribution of 10 speakers from 6 different countries (Belgium, Brazil, Thailand, United States, Canada, United Kingdom):
HUYNEN Marie-Claude - Space use and directness to out-of-sight resources in semi-provisioned and wild-feeding groups of Macaca leonina
REYNA-HURTADO Rafael - Primates adjust movement strategies with food availability
CROFOOT Margaret - Comparative foraging strategies of Neotropical frugivores: Do primates forage ‘smarter’?
SAVINI Tommaso - Forest types affect seed shadows by white-handed gibbons
ASENSIO Norberto - The ecology of space-use patterns of two sister gibbon species in their contact zone
AGGIMARANGSEE Nantiya - Influence of food provisioning by humans on locomotion of dusky langur (Trachypithecus obscurus Reid, 1837) at Khao Lommuak, Prachuap Khiri Khan,Thailand
CULOT Laurence - Which Factors Shape The Trajectories Of The Black-Lion Tamarins In A Fragmented Landscape?
ALVES-EIGENHEER Milene - Using individual-based models to assess the landscape connectivity for the endangered Golden-Lion Tamarins
JOHNSON Caspian - Baboon troop movements and their ecological determinants at local and continental scales
STRANDBURG-PESHKIN Ariana - Social and environmental factors influence local movement decisions in a troop of wild baboons